i eat pretty healthy. i definitely eat well enough to get in decent workouts, a good night's sleep, and avoid digestive discomfort. but i know really nothing about post-workout nutrition or refueling. my time doing endurance sports, i just went with what felt right. sometimes that was even grabbing for... a diet coke... to satisfy that insatiable salt craving you get after mile 10 or so. but with strength as my real destination on this path i'm taking, i need to make a change beyond my workouts. it is probably time i start exploring post-workout protein intake. and i'm scared out of my mind! i had a 'gu' energy gel incident during my first half-marathon that will haunt me for the rest of my life.
every race i had done leading up to this half was pretty low-budget, even a little janky. aid stations were almost all water or sometimes 'lime flavored sports drink'. in the beginning, i never grabbed for water during the 5k runs. i would rather save those precious seconds, burn through the 25 minutes, and then just gorge on water at the finish. then once i started 10k runs, i got into the rhythm of the grab and drink. i would gladly take a water at every station and it really did help me to maintain and finish stronger. but that only lasted so long. during a half-marathon relay, i grabbed for [what i thought was] a water, at a moment when i needed it most, but to my surprise and chagrin, it was that 'lime flavored sports drink'. it shocked and disgusted me, i spilled it all over myself and what trickled into my trap gave me the worst cotton-mouth. that turned me off from aid stations for awhile. it wasn't until i decided to enter my fist half-marathon that i knew i had to get back on the hydration highway.
13.1 miles is a looong way. i obsessively researched the course map. this was the palm springs half-marathon, an event put on by a bunch of meticulous retirees and gays, so it was decked to the nines and impeccably planned. clearly marked on the map were the water stations, port-a-potties, and "gu energy" stations... whatever the fuck those were, but they sounded amazing. i felt confident that the runners would be taken care of during this race. i ate well the night before. i didn't wake up hungry, but i could eat and knew i needed something. don't remember exactly what i had, but it was probably something along the lines of fruit, yogurt, and nut granola. i also had a cup of coffee, because sadly, i hadn't yet had the a.m. b.m. every runner prays for the morning of a race. i was hoping the coffee and copious amounts of water would assist, but they did not. well, time to run.
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don't they look delicious? |
i don't remember much of our arrival, or the second the run started, or even the first few miles. the trauma of what was about to happen to me is like dropping a boulder in a kiddie pool... and all time and events surrounding it are destroyed in its wake. i don't even know if this was the first aid station, but it was the first one of grandeur. there were a couple port-a-potties, unending cups of water, Gatorade (real, name brand Gatorade), and there was the 'gu'. the tables had giant piles of these shiny silver pouches. the dimensions are that of a playing card and no more than 1/4" thick. they're shaped to look like little bottles, and each flavor has its own accent color. they were a sight to see, visual marketing genius. i had never seen them before, much less had one. i had to have one.
the flavor i happened to grab was blackberry. i ripped into that thing like charlie into that willie wonka bar. i don't know what i expected, liquid maybe? it had a consistency like frosting. i squeezed a tiny bit into my mouth and it was DELICIOUS! so i didn't hesitate to eat all remaining bits. by this point, i'm already so far from the aid station that people's scattered, discarded water cups are out of sight. i feel like it's officially littering territory if i were to chuck the 'gu' pouch. i look around to see what other people might be doing. well, i notice more than a couple people are actually rolling up half used 'gu' pouches and pocketing them. alright. i just palm mine until the next aid station.
next aid station is water. i toss my trash and grab a cup to cleanse my palette. the 'gu' did make for a weird sensation, as it actually was a little like eating frosting. this is where it begins. i downed this water while maintaining a running pace, which can sometimes really shake things up. i started having flavored burps and felt almost a touch nauseous. i was certain it was the running while drinking and knew to just walk for maybe a minute, let it settle, and be fine. a few seconds later, there is already another aid station. i would recognize those heaping piles of silver anywhere, 'gu'! the lure of the 'gu' distracted me from whatever was going on inside and i actually shopped for my next flavor. strawberry banana... and hell, a vanilla bean, too. then, i don't know what happened next. i don't know if because i was walking i forgot i was in a race, that the distance delirium already had its grips on me, but i leisurely strolled and ate BOTH of the pouches. the instant i got that last squeeze down, i picked up my pace.
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in the 'shit your shorts' runner fog |
when i come out of a walk during a long run, i dig in for awhile and then taper down to my race pace. not five minutes into hitting it hard and heavy, my gut made an unholy noise and there was an internal tremor from my chest to my colon. my only thought was "uh oh." my gut segued right into a full on cramping. and then i got the shittiest feeling a runner can have (pun intended); i felt like i was going to crap my shorts. it was a shit without warning. i knew there were port-a-potties about four miles shy of the finish, so for a second i felt at peace, but then i realized i didn't know where the fuck i was in the race! this moment of g.i. misery caused me to lose my goddam mind. i couldn't remember the last mile marker i saw if my life (or shitting my pants) depended on it. so all i could do was RUN.
i get to the next (and last) set of port-a-potties. i barely remember going in or my time inside. i had just done a monster sprint for an unknown distance, with something brewing within me; it made me more than delirious. when i came out, it was horrible. i have never been so disoriented in all my life. i was at the hub of a million different turn-arounds; there were runners going all different directions. it took me atleast a minute (which is eternity in a run) to get my groundings and figure out my path. the middle of my run was fueled by 'gu,' but the remainder of my run was fueled by fury at the 'gu.' what the hell was in that shit?!
a day later when i'm home and still physically and emotionally wrecked from the race, i decided to do some 'gu' research. well, apparently it's standard to have some and save some. i immediately flashed-back to all those people i saw when i was wondering what to do with my trash. and it's customary to eat maybe one packet during a race. i ate three. and pretty much all at once. it's all over the internet about 'gu' causing people stomach upset, that you should definitely try eating it during training to see how you react, before bringing it to a race. reading this was killing me. how could i have been so dumb?! i don't even take the 'lime flavored sports drink' because i don't know what the sugar will do to me, why would i take packets of frosting called 'gu'?
that experience has completely ruined me for any foods or drinks that are energy or recovery centric. i imagine i'll get a 6a workout in and then follow it with some protein powder in a glass of milk, that i drink on my way to work. and i'll feel fine... until i get to work and the tremor hits...