Friday, February 21, 2014

bench, squat notes from coach

notes from coach:

-----Original Message----- 
 From: meg holliday
To: urbankstrengthteam
Sent: Wed, Feb 19, 2014 8:31 pm
Subject: Hip stretches 

Hey Lindsey, 

Any stretches you particularly like for someone with tight hip felxors? My right is really bad right now, worse its ever been. Also, my left i.t. band is pretty tight lately, should I just stick to rolling it out? 


On Feb 21, 2014, at 6:53 AM, urbankstrengthteam wrote: 

For hip flexors I do leg swings and lunges with a pelvic tilt. Vince has very tight hips and likes to foam roll them, and lunge on a bench supporting his upper body on the barbell.
Pigeon pose is a fairly good it band stretch; keep foam rolling it, have you tried using a tennis ball on it?

-----Original Message-----
From: meg holliday
To: urbankstrengthteam
Sent: Fri, Feb 21, 2014 10:58 am
Subject: Re: Hip stretches 

I have gotten into my i.t. band with tennis and lax balls before... so tight these days, that the thought of doing that makes me wanna vomit. 

I recorded a bunch of sets from tues training (link below). Do I pause long enough for the pause squats?  And I've been benching on my toes to get the arch, but in NASA, I have to go flat footed. If I can get this hip stretched back to life, I don't thiiiink that'll be a problem...???? 

To: teeny-wahine
Subject: Re: Hip stretches
From: urbankstrengthteam
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 12:33:02 -0500 

If you have bands you could try doing some muscle flossing or doing some light exercise or dynamic stretching before static stretching. I'd also suggest a heat compress or hot tub/shower, followed by manual massage, stretching, and foam rolling this will ensure that your muscles are more relaxed and pliable before hand.

Are you benching in your oly shoes? You may also want to take a few extra sets with the bar during warm ups or back bends to stretch your hips and back. Guys have to warm up their hips and legs for squat, we need to warm up our back and hips for benching. 

A few questions on squat. Do you have wrist wraps? Do you normally squat in chucks or oly shoes?

Try to do your warm ups to the same pace and depth you will do your heavier sets (i.e. just below parallel). You want everything to be as much the same as possible and practice the way you will perform. This is a video of Vince squatting 135 (although the video is a little jumpy, damn webcam), you can see he is consciously loading up his hamstrings on the eccentric portion of the lift. This allows the hamstrings to build and store tension, and also helps stabilize the knees. If there is too quick of a descent, the hamstrings will be come inactivated, and then have to become reactivated again, this tends to cause the torso to lean forward. 

The 190 rep on squat was good, but it was a bit of a grinder; in the future, if you have a grinder don't go up in weight. Lifts should be practiced explosively to build speed. If you need to grind in a meet that's totally fine; do what you gotta do to get your lifts and PR's; but in practice it's your environment and you call the shots, make it as advantageous for yourself as possible.

The bench form looks good. Good pace, soft touch on the chest (no heavy hits or bouncing). If you aren't already; grab the bar HARD when you lift and try to bend the bar as if you were going to turn it into a horse-shoe, everything from your forearms to your calves should be tight on bench (it is literally the most uncomfotrable lift known to mankind, and the entire point of finishing the lift is getting out of that position quickly, lol). You may also want to try an alternate set up from time to time, it is brutal on the hips but  it may help you stretch, . It puts your in more of a back bend position, where your but barely touches the bench but can't pop off the bench because you would have to arch more (which is nearly impossible, and I actually have to use the weight to some degree to push my butt down to touch the bench).

Yes the pause on the pause squats in long enough,  you just want to reach a point of motionlessness, maintain hamstring and glute tension and reverse the motion. On these, you'll want to be squatting to just below parallel as well, it's a more optimal range for muscle power (when a muscle is fully stretched it cannot generate as much power).

On floor press, try to descend the last inch or two a little slower, so you touch more softly with your elbows, it will help maintain tension in your upper back, which you can turn around and use as power in the press.

To: teeny-wahine
Subject: Re: Hip stretches
From: urbankstrengthteam
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 12:34:39 -0500 

Another quick blip on squats, try wearing your belt a little lower and make sure you are taking a deep breath and pushing your belly out for every rep.  

-----Original Message-----
From: meg holliday
To: urbankstrengthteam
Sent: Fri, Feb 21, 2014 12:50 pm
Subject: RE: Hip stretches 

I bench and squat in sneakers (vans, chucks, whatever...).  high bar back squat I've always done in oly shoes.  I've never even tried low bar in oly shoes.  and I have wrist wraps, but have only ever used them doing high rep bench, never for squats.  should I be trying oly shoes and wrist wraps? 

so many good notes on squats; all make great sense to me!

To: teeny-wahine
Subject: Re: Hip stretches
From: urbankstrengthteam
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 14:38:45 -0500 

Yes, try wrist wraps and oly shoes next week. You can even bench in your oly shoes if you want to try that, when I bench flat footed I prefer to wear my oly shoes, I strongly prefer oly shoes for all squatting (save maybe a few variations like cambered bar or SSB).

Thursday, February 20, 2014

week 3, day 1

Week 3Day1
Back Squatx10bar
2x3135beltset 2 video
2x3155belt and sleevesset 2 video
Pause Squatx10bar
3x295set 3 video
2x2115set 2 video
5x2135-155130, 135, 140, 145, 150sets 2 & 5 video
Bench Pressx10bar
3x265set 2 video
2x280set 1 video
5x290-10090, 90, 95, 100, 100sets 1, 3, & 4 video
Floor Press4x190-11095, 100, 105, 105set 2 video

i was overly excited by how 180# felt, so i went for 190# my second set, and only got more excited and was like, 'fuck it, i'm going for 200#!!!!'  failed and was pretty shot after that, couldn't redeem with a 190# last set.  okay, i got that one, off course, not thinking, emotional moment of training out of the way for this cycle.

rolled out my i.t. bands pretty gnarly before the start.  the left has been super tight, and causing some tingling in my knee from time to time.  right hip, also so, so, SO tight.  so tight, in fact, i need to give it some special attention on my rest days.

first time pause squatting doing low bar.  was interesting.  i think i did pretty okay.  will see what coach says.  i'm not the most explosive creature, so going from pause in the bottom, to haul ass up, is a hard switch for me to make.

bench felt good.  that arch is getting there, but i do have to shy away from maximum butt-squeeze, because my right hip will not be down with it.

floor press, good.  colin, mvp with the assist!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

into week 3

notes from coach:

To: teeny-wahine
Subject: Re: Training updates
From: urbankstrengthteam
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 10:38:47 -0500

Use your belt for your heavy sets of squats and deadlift, there's really no reason not to, and not using your belt for heavy sets will just wear out your back for your rep sets.

I also like using sleeves for heavy sets of squats as it can help maintain the integrity of knee cartilage over time; which is something that women tend to struggle with already due to the Q angle and poor biomechanics.

To: teeny-wahine
Subject: Re: Training updates
From: urbankstrengthteam
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 10:30:10 -0500
[excerpt of email from coach]

I've updated weeks 3&4 for you, a little less support work and more primary exercises; I had the pleasure of watching the Lilliebridges train a few weeks ago, and got to talk to Ernie Sr about training and decided to incorporate a few of his ideas.

Is it causing wrist pain to maintain a full grip on squats?
I don't think it's very important unless the federation you compete in specifies it. I know a few people who strongly prefer it, because for them it provides additional stability and better bar position.

Week 3Day1Day 2
Back Squatx10barStanding Strict Pressx10bar
2x3155belt and sleeves2x2165
3x1180-190belt and sleeves6x2185-195belt up
Pause Squatx10bar3x6165belt and straps ok
3x295Rack pull from below the kneex3135
5x2135-155belt and sleevesx2225
Bench Pressx10bar3x1275-295
3x2651xMax165belt and straps ok
5x290-100Narrow Grip Lat Pulldown3x20
Floor Press4x190-110Cable Rows3x20
Week 4Day1Day 2
Back Squatx10barStanding Strict Pressx10bar
Pause Squatx10bar1xMax135 beltless, straps ok
3x285-95Rack pull from below the kneex3135
Bench Pressx10bar1xMax200straps ok
1x585Narrow Grip Lat Pulldown3x20
4x585-100Cable Rows3x20
-----Original Message-----
From: meg holliday
To: urbankstrengthteam
Sent: Tue, Feb 18, 2014 9:30 am
Subject: RE: Training updates
[excerpt of email to coach]

quick question re. back squat.  i hold the bar false grip, but tried experimenting last week with full grip. i could not maintain that on heavier sets.  is that something i should work through and get that full grip, or is a false grip okay in your eyes?

Saturday, February 15, 2014

week 2

let me start by stating the fucked-upness of this week!  work has been BY FAR the craziest, most stress inducing, and time consuming it has ever been, had to travel up north again for the clinical trial i'm participating in, and got hit with some emotionally hard hitting news about a family friend.  i'm blessed beyond words, weeks like this don't come around very often (or at all), didn't manage it well and made it through with minimal sleep and my diet went off the rails a few times.

i really felt the effects in my training.  on top of that, i'm definitely seeing/feeling the difference between all the weeks i was doing whatever i wanted in the gym (typically stuff i'm good at, and would feel like hitting that day) vs. following a program from a coach, hitting on all the spots where i NEED the work.  these days, squat days are disaster days.  but i'm not gonna get comfortable with low bar back squats again without... low bar back squatting!

Back Squatx10bar
3x3165-175165 x2, 165, 170no belt, no sleeves
Bench Pressx10bar
4x295-10595, 95, 105, 105
Leg Press (machine is 103#) 20,15, 15, 10up in weight every set180, 210, 230, 250 (+103)
Pull ups2x2, 3xMax3 last set
Bent Over Rows3x2565#straps
Face Pulls3x3020.5#
Chest Fly3x1545#
Rear Delt Fly3x1535#

for the back squats, i was experimenting with full grip (i do false), and with 165# on my back, it was killing me!  on the first set, after the second rep, i just racked the weight.  then went with my usual false grip.  didn't even realize until i was done... i never put on sleeves or my belt!  okay, maybe i'm willing to admit that equipment sometimes has the placebo effect on me. :)

struggled getting the bar off the rack for bench. next week i'll ask someone to help me with a hand-off for the heavier sets.  tight right hip still effecting my attempt at arching.

after this session, i had major soreness in my left bicep.  i think i might've had my arms bent for the chest flys...???  hopefully i'm not, all of a sudden, benching so badly that it hurt my bicep...???

Day 2
Standing Strict Pressx10bar
3x560-8060, 68, 75
3x1225sets 2, 3 belt
1xMax14525 reps beltless, straps ok
Rack pull from below the kneex3135
3x1265-280265, 275, 275belt
1xMax19512 repsstraps
Narrow Grip Lat Pulldown3x2050#
Cable Rows3x2050#
Chest supported rows3x2015# Dumbbells

i could kick myself for not trying heavier on that last set of shoulder press.  fixed my elbows (only slightly in front of bar, not full front rack position) and focused on not pressing away from my face. i actually got through those five at 75# fairly easy

the deadlift was embarrassingly difficult. :(  225# is a weight i'd expect myself to hit for a triple on pretty much any given day, but it was really fucking heavy for me today.  i had to belt up for sets two and three.  the 25 reps at 145# almost KILLED ME!  i couldn't pinpoint any specific part of me failing, i just ended up so wasted tired, i had to call it at 25.  took a chunk of time to recover.

for the heavy rack pulls, not sure if belt was okay, but there wasn't a chance of it happening without, so i just went for it.  felt so defeated by this time (shitty training wednesday and today was feeling heavy), i didn't want to have to stop.

forearms fried doing the cable rows.  15# dumbbells felt a little light this week, but i couldn't quite jump to 20#

looking forward to next week.  gonna spend the remainder of the weekend resting and getting my mind right, so that next week will be GREAT!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

week 1, day 2

Day 2
Standing Strict Pressx10bar
4x855-7555, 60, 62.5, 65all sets video
Deadlift3x2135set 2 video
2x2165set 2 video
4x2200set 3 video
3x6135beltless, straps ok
Rack pull from below the kneex3135
x2225May need to stop here depending on back strength. No failed
3x1275Did not do
3x5185straps ok
Narrow Grip Lat Pulldown3x2040#
Cable Rows3x2040#
Chest supported rows3x2015# Dumbbells

colin caught sight of me during one of my deadlift sets and pointed out i was going touch-n-go... when it comes to doing reps, i didn't really know any other way.  glad he was there to help me out!  slowed my shit down the sets after that, but shoulder press, def. t-n-g

shoulder press, elbows too high to start and pressing away from face.  was focusing a lot on squeezing my butt, to not over-extend my back (because i love over-extending my back!) 

my 200# dl, i look to be pulling with back a little more than usual

first time doing 'Rack Pulls'... 275# did not budge. the end.

was pretty stoked that all the lifting was stuff i could do at wcsc, so i was able to workout with colin.  always love being in the gym with him!  then busted a move over to our apartment's fitness center to get the accessory work in.