Wednesday, November 2, 2011

six stops on the crazy train to crossfit

my first year of crossfit was marginally about gains in strength or better conditioning.  i’m a head tripper and when i joined crossfit, it was all aboard the crazy train!  i made six distinct stops, spent more time at some, than others, but definitely picked up baggage at each.

1.  i’m weak, uncoordinated, uninformed, a mess!

i feel like this one, no one is exempt.  even the people who come in buff as shit, they get a jump rope in their hands and they’re like, “double unders?!  you’re fucking kidding me!”  or someone who is so very lean, is immobile beyond words, squatting below parallel, not an option.  for me, it was my lack of strength, number one, and then EVERYTHING else was like a big huge number two.  i couldn’t even count while working out.  my brain was turning off at the onset of the first movement and all was lost.  so i felt physically inferior, plus mentally retarded.  couldn’t do a push-up, my running was meant for distance, not speed, couldn’t keep rhythm for a kip, couldn’t remember the next part of a lift after it had been started (if i had a dollar for every time i got the bar to the pocket position and then froze, i’d be rich!  just a nickel, i'd still be rich.)  the only thing they showed me that i could already do was ‘toes-to-bar’, but only because it’s the most ridiculous movement known to man and has no business being in a gym.

2. … AND everyone is looking at me!

this, i know now (and in my rational mind, knew then), was not true in the slightest, but you couldn’t have told me that back then.  for at least my first four months, every modified movement i did, every tiny amount of weight i lifted, every hideous “trying as hard as i can” face i made, i was absolutely certain everyone was looking at me.  and i was soooo important, that they remembered that moment they saw me and hung onto that mental picture through the whole workout, to be able to laugh about it with all the other hundreds of people who saw me at that same exact moment.  of course, there aren’t hundreds of people in the gym at a time, usually less than 30, but when you’re new and neurotic, every one face counts for 15.

3.  not everyone was super nice.

a crossfit gym is unlike any other gym you will ever go to.  people introduce themselves, strike up conversation, help you, encourage you.  but when i started, there was this small (tiny, insignificant, less than 3% of the population) that was less than friendly to me.  and where did i focus all my energies?  yeah, on these people.  wondering what about me turned them off so much, how i could possibly get them to warm up to me.  i didn’t really realize how much i was letting them effect me until months into group classes, when i was at the cusp of newbie vs.  knowing what the fuck is going on; finally at the point i could go through a workout, come out of it feeling accomplished and on a serious endorphin high.  but then, during the post-wod mobility, i'd be talking with (or more, just be present while they talked as if i was not even there) parts of this group, and by the time i left the gym, i felt shitty and inferior.  this one took some outside coaching.  my dad reminded me of something he hadn’t had to tell me since elementary school (because really, this type of situation is that juvenile), but he told me “people who don’t like you, it’s not because you have a personality defect, it’s because they do!”  so i let those people go and life at the gym got exponentially better.

4. cheaters!

definitely the pinnacle of my crossfit paranoia was the “everyone cheats” phase.  i can’t clean 100# and i can’t fake it either.  someone can’t do a proper, chest all the way to the ground push-up, but they can fake it, all… day… long.  can’t quite get your chin all the way over the bar on the pull-up?  fake it!  just keep going and who’s gonna say anything?!  WHY THE FUCK SHOULD I CARE?!  a half-assed knee push-up was never gonna get me to the push-ups i can do today, a ‘nose over the bar’ pull-up isn’t gonna help me get to my muscle-up.  and on top of that, other people doing those things isn’t gonna keep me from it either!!!  why i ever cared so much about that is beyond me.  i’m almost even embarrassed to admit it, but it’s full disclosure on all stations of the crazy train.

5. when gauging progress, compare yourself to yourself… and every single other person!

i’m 4’11” in shoes and 110# after the three meals of the day, but i find it completely unacceptable that i can’t lift as much as any other chicks who started around the same time as me, nevermind their size or background.  who cares that they came in able to do a push-up, with a much more robust athletic background, for whatever reason, i’m fixated on their numbers. this really came to a head right before we did ‘nancy’ in the gym.  i just felt like it had been days on end that i was coming into the gym and seeing numbers on the board i couldn’t beat with a bat!  plus, we’d done ‘the chief’ just a few days before, and i was still bent about all the shitty push-ups (because i hadn’t fully departed #4 before approaching stop #5).  so i decided to do ‘nancy’ in open gym because i was feeling like such a stagnant piece of crossfit crap, better off alone… in the 7p darkness, by myself, with just one really, um, enthusiastic [read: annoying] gym goer doing his thing on the neighboring platform.  and you know what?  it sucked!  it was boring and no one cared when i was banging out decent numbers of overhead squats unbroken.  no one cared!  and i was setting p.r.’s all over the place for slowest 400m runs.  i was running into the dark, all by myself… i couldn’t gauge my speed by moving scenery or people.  as i kicked off my pity party of one to celebrate the end of ‘nancy’, i made the decision to turn my shit around.

6. it’s not your performance that sucks, it’s you attitude!

i never drank the kool-aid, wasn’t instantly a worshipper of all things crossfit.  yes, it was everywhere because i was dating colin, but it just hadn’t fully penetrated the pleasure center of my brain.  i wasn’t understanding why everyone seemed to be having so much more fun than me… and i wasn’t understanding why everyone seemed to be progressing so much better than me… and i was that dumb that it took me 10 months to connect the two.  well, i wasn’t dumb, just that deep rooted in pessimistic (realist, i like to say) thinking that the possibility that a positive mental attitude could unleash greater physical capabilities was, seriously, a crossfit conspiracy theory.  i decided i wanted to have as much fun as the next person, so i needed to let go of every piece of baggage i still hung onto from all the stops.  i am, by no stretch of the imagination, done with revamping my mentality, but just the day i decided i was willing to let go, it was like night and day.  for the first time, i was finishing workouts too wasted to talk, setting seemingly unattainable goals, and getting within a couple reps of them.  from there, that one hour in the gym carried over to hours afterwards of feeling great and, sometimes, even proud.  all my energy and effort in the workout, is on the workout, no longer is a fraction of me being consumed by self doubt, self hate, worrying about the quality of that other person’s movement.  sure, i’ll finish a workout, and look to another and instead of thinking “good job!”  i’ll be thinking “how the hell did you get that many rounds?!”  but i won’t let that thought replace me telling myself good job, their stellar performance isn’t taking away from what i was able to do.  this change in my way of thinking has me looking forward to year number two waaaaay more than i ever did for year one.  next stop, total wod domination!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"all the way down the buffet line"!

From: "Salgado, Jose"
Date: Wed, May 25, 2011 11:57 am
Subject: this shit is whacky!
To: "Curiel, John", "Miranda Holliday", "meg holliday" 

From: []
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 12:08 PM
To: Salgado, Jose; Curiel, John; Miranda Holliday
Subject: Re: this shit is whacky!

WHAAAAAT.  that pictured killed me!  I like all of it, but especially the guitar guy in the corner.

From: Curiel, John
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 12:09 PM
To: ''; Salgado, Jose; Miranda Holliday
Subject: RE: this shit is whacky!

As you all may have already concluded, my favorite is the computer generated muscle man.

From: Miranda Holliday
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 12:25 PM
To: Curiel, John; ''; Salgado, Jose
Subject: RE: this shit is whacky!

Go with what you know.  the t-rex is also in my favorite sex position: lazy lounge

From: Salgado, Jose
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 12:21 PM
To: Miranda Holliday; Curiel, John; ''
Subject: RE: this shit is whacky!

I bet you the t-rex can also do fat guy vogue.

From: miranda
To: JSalgado; JCuriel;
Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 12:26:26 -0700
Subject: RE: this shit is whacky!

Oh most definitely. All the way down the buffet line!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

FLASHBACK! john's running commentary of a 'real world/road rules challenge: the duel 2' episode

here's the episode link, incase john's telling below makes you jones to see it.

-----Original Message-----
From: John M. Curiel
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 4:00 PM
To: Salgado, Jose
Subject: Re: the duel

So I decided to commen as I saw the
Episode.......I just reread it...... Let's just say I was drunk and in
a hillbilly costume tired from chasing a guy in my driveway

PS I need to see this TRUE LIFE I'm on a love Triangle

Ok, Brad is engaged......BOOH!

Second, how old is Mark?! I loved when they showed the clip from the
first RR when they played clips on cassettes....still hot though

Love that both Davis and CT are together again....can't wait for CT to
get drunk and go after Davis....Didn't Davis cry last time? LOL... I
mean it must have been crazy but it was funny...even with all that,I
still think CT is Hot

And most of the girls maybe minus Anessa and Ruthie look like dumb
blonde bitches!

Oh and the other gay guy, ANNOying

Paula is such a annoying bitch too! I do agree there are some hot
boys aka Landon and Brad, just saw Davis w/o his shirt, muscles but
chub as well (I know how that feels minus the muscles of course)

WTFWTF Davis and the other gay guy..( I know his name is Ryan but I
refuse to call him that ). BTW my new favorite thing is to call Ben's
Asst. And his executive "whatshisname and the other one". Anyway, wTF
two dudes making out in the hot tub! My favorite is the chick that
just stays in there laughing. Aka me. All in all though, the most
"real" thing I've seen.

CT and Diem reunion! She looks uglier eventhough now she has her real
hair instead of thy nasty wig....didn't she cry in the other show b/c
she had to do a challenge withou it?

Love the clip of CT and Diem drunk...and she said hes had a hard hard
time aka DUI I'm sure

Wow took Shauvan 4 seconds to get fucked........looks like special ed

They keep playing the Chester French song, LOVES IT!

Mmmmm if Mark were covered in ugly tattoos and I was sleeping with his
He could be evan

Diem us concerned about looking stupid b/c CT fucked Shauvan?! And
when it gets confirmed her reaction??? Yes I agree Reeeeee dick u

And CT punches someone.... it was totally 5 guys
can't stop CT , glad Anessa shows up and tries to yell him into

Oh I just got to the chase Scene in the courtyard........ My favorite
is how ppl are still wearing their costumes.....also if "I were there"
I'd totally think it would be funny to blame this on the birthday
girl..."you know this is YOUR fault if we didn't celebrate you
birthday this way this wouldn't have happened" makes as much sense as
filling the house up with booze and CT and Diem

It's my fault said Diem.....LOL

CT has a nice hairy chest....YUM!

LOL Ct yelling at Diem..... What's this "career" he keeps
mentioning....more MTV competition shows?!?!

I like how Shavaun's story changed from I will neither confirm nor
deny to I wouldn't ever do that FUCKING SLUt

They brought MJ back.....hi dad

And who is this miscellaneous black girl in the bakground?

Mmmmm are you dying to see this beyonce movie?

Is diem trying to be a reporter or something ? Zzzzzxzz

MJ has such obnoxious hair.

I like how the fat guy literally crushed the other dude during the
rugby tackle

Ryan was smart to pick Nick cause he a not as strong as the other dudes

Shauvan is so STUPID I hope Anessa knocks her out..... I can't stand
her, her pink lipstick or her fatness

Landon needs to get rid of that mowhawk

And it ends now?!?! Ok the clips of the season were good aka Davis
pushing some bitch down.....I'm sure it was Brooke ooooo love the
brad and fiancée fight..."my heart is broken...LOL ".

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 9, 2009, at 9:31 AM, "Salgado, Jose" wrote:

> i hope you tivo-ed it aka you need to watch CT chase Adam around the
> parking lot and girls holding diem back all while she is screaming.

dear abby, my parents expected me to die!

To: miranda; alejandro.benavides; jcuriel; jsalgado; msbeebe83
Subject: this is the best dear abby!
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2010 14:37:04 -0800

Cash-Strapped Parents Regret Deathbed Promise Made To Son

By Abigail Van Buren – Fri Jan 29, 2:16 am ET

DEAR ABBY: My 31-year-old son, "Joey," who needs a heart transplant, almost died a few weeks ago. The doctors told us he wouldn't make it through the weekend. I was beside myself. On what we thought was his deathbed, I told Joey I would give him anything he wanted if he pulled through. He wanted a very expensive sports car.
Well, my son pulled through, but has other physical challenges. My husband and I are sending him $500 a month until he starts receiving money from Social Security. It's the best we can do right now. The problem is, Joey keeps hounding me about the sports car. I cannot afford this gift. We have offered to have his current vehicle reconditioned or give him my year-old car with its very low mileage.
I do not want this to become an issue with my son. I have told him his heart condition is the priority and to let everything else fall into place. It's eating me alive that I can't give my son what I promised. On the other hand, his request is unreasonable. Please help. -- JOEY'S MOM IN LAS CRUCES

DEAR MOM: Unless you put a stop to it now, this WILL become an issue with your son. Surely he is in touch enough with reality that he knows your financial situation -- and if he doesn't, please inform him. While you're at it, explain that when you thought he was on his deathbed, you were out of your mind with grief -- and you can't be held to a promise made under such duress. At $500 a month, you can hardly be accused of being a withholding parent, so stop beating yourself up.

Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2010 14:48:06 -0800
Subject: Re: this is the best dear abby!
From: alejandro.benavides
CC: miranda; jcuriel; jsalgado; msbeebe83

I would have gave the boy a get well card with a basketball on it and said "Sports car?!?! I said sports CARD!!!"

what's this got to do with the price of rice in china?

Subject: FW: Mom 
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 11:36:25 -0700 
From: miranda 

Can you please read this e-mail exchange from Mom? Bottom to top, please. And, I need you to tell me if she is on drugs or something. 

-----Original Message----- 
From: Holliday.Janis 
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 11:31 AM 
To: Miranda Holliday 
Subject: RE: Mom 

Good to know 

-----Original Message----- 
From: Miranda Holliday 
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 5:15 PM 
To: Holliday.Janis 
Subject: RE: Mom 


Do I like rice? Is that what you mean? Yes, I like rice

-----Original Message----- 
From: Holliday.Janis 
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 5:14 PM 
To: Miranda Holliday 
Subject: RE: Mom 

You rike lice? 

mandy's take on 'ghoulies'

-----Original Message----- 
From: Alejandro Benavides 
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 10:06 AM 
To: Miranda Holliday; meg holliday; jose -home; john -home 
Subject: Cat's eye 

this used to be frightening to my sister as a kid, but I found it hilarious!!!

Stephen King's Cat's Eye - General vs Troll video
Subject: RE: Cat's eye
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 10:22:58 -0800
From: miranda

To: alejandro.benavides;; jxoxsxe; johnmcuriel

This movie FREAKED me out when I was little, but in later years, yes it is MEGA hilarious.

And, there is a lot of kitty stuff in this movie, Jose. Seriously important viewing

From: meg holliday
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 10:27 AM
To: Miranda Holliday; alex b.; jose -home; john -home
Subject: RE: Cat's eye

mandy and i used to be soooo scared of this video cover that when we would go to the video store, my mom would have to walk in ahead of us and turn it around. 

Subject: RE: Cat's eye
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 10:28:13 -0800
From: miranda

Then I went to my favorite video store when it was closing a few years ago and they were selling all their stock and one of them was “Ghoulies”! WHICH, I had never seen. So, I bought it and watched it and here are my notes

a. it’s not really scary

b. there’s a really funny 80’s party scene and one guy’s pick-up line is “my name is dick, but you can call me (stops to open a beer) Dick.”

c. There are two funny supernatural midgets in medieval costumes

d. The ghoulies never wear clothes and I was waiting for it the WHOLE movie

The end.

From: meg holliday
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 10:33 AM
To: Miranda Holliday; alex b.; jose -home; john -home
Subject: RE: Cat's eye

that's why it wasn't scary, 'cause they weren't wearing clothes! the horrifying part of that video cover is the suspenders.

Subject: RE: Cat's eye
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 10:36:37 -0800
From: miranda

Riiiight! When the ghoulies were first manifested via a satanic ritual, they show up naked or whatever you call ghoulie without clothes, so I thought it might get more interesting when they show how they get/make their little outfits. But, not one of the ghoulies ever thought about getting that little suspender get-up together.

There is a scary part with a clown doll. But, I could sit in a room with a clown doll and freak out. So, that isn’t a big surprise.

There’s a part in the funny party scene where a guy in a member’s only jacket “breakdances” and then knocks himself out when he tries to spin on the floor or do a back-flip or something.

And, there’s a Ghoulies Part III where they go to college. I think maybe they figured they would need an advanced degree in order to buy some specially made clothes.

'precious'... the movie review for the masses

-----Original Message----- 
From: Miranda Holliday
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 10:41 AM 
To: Salgado, Jose; john -home 
Subject: precious 

Did you go see it and how was it?

On Nov 13, 2009, at 10:46 AM, "Salgado, Jose" <> wrote:

amazing. john is better with words so i'll let him tell you more. 

-----Original Message-----
From: John M. Curiel
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 12:58 PM
To: Salgado, Jose
Cc: Miranda Holliday
Subject: Re: precious

OMG, yes it was amazing....

Piece of advice though: when you and Emerson go see it make sure to buy popcorn and m&ms. That way you could feed each other popcorn during the entire movie. Then at some point, Emerson can shake his head "no" but u should continue to feed him more, after that ask him your scratch your back, remember to lean forward so he can scratch all over, finally, toss m&ms at Emerson, both he and the person he's sitting next to will love it

What was I talking about?

Anyway Precious.... I knew it was going to be "heartbreaking" but I wish someone had warned me that it was set in the late 80s..... I wasn't prepared for the ghetto blaster boomboxes or 80s gameshow clips. Although it's of interest to note that obese girls in the 80s dress like obese girls in the present

The rest of the movie goes around like his:

lady arm Pit hair, learning to read by spellin the word "slut", Vaseline as lube, imagining yourself as a skinny white girl is one way of gettin through the day; fairy tales don't begin with "on Sunday I went to church in Brooklyn", gold teeth, pigs feet should be eaten w/ collard greens and macaroni w/ cheese but shouldn't be hairy, physical abuse includes forcing people to eat hairy pigs feet W/o collard greens (FYI Jose's mom served me and her grandchildren pigs feet last Sunday), you know you don't have HIV if you've never "Don' it all up in da azz", down syndrome children are kinda cute and having one gaurantees money every month, and finally young lady Jamaican accents are pretty damn funny

Sent from my iPhone 

sexy lady man claus with matching boots

-----Original Message----- 
From: John Curiel 
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 10:41 AM 
To: Salgado, Jose 
Subject: For no good reason 

From: Salgado, Jose
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 10:44 AM
To: John Curiel
Cc: Miranda (E-mail); Meg (E-mail); Steph (E-mail)
Subject: RE: For no good reason

there is a reason... because i radiate faboulosity! 
From: John Curiel
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 10:46 AM
To: Salgado, Jose
Cc: Miranda Holliday; Meg (E-mail); Steph (E-mail)
Subject: RE: For no good reason

I need to be inoculated against your fabulosity! 
From: Miranda Holliday
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 10:48 AM
To: John Curiel; Salgado, Jose
Cc: Meg (E-mail); Steph (E-mail)
Subject: RE: For no good reason

What is going on on that computer screen! Is that a fat man/woman (?) dressed like a slutty mrs. Claus?

I must know.

From: John Curiel
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 10:52 AM
To: Miranda Holliday; Salgado, Jose
Cc: Meg (E-mail); Steph (E-mail)
Subject: RE: For no good reason

Funny thing about the picture is that it's me gettin close to my two favorite slutty Ms. Claus female impersonators...from what I remember of that night, they had heavy latino accents one was names, "Sasha" and kept inviting me back to her apt on Rrrrrrrroberrrtson. 
From: Salgado, Jose
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 10:54 AM
To: John Curiel; Miranda Holliday
Cc: Meg (E-mail); Steph (E-mail)
Subject: RE: For no good reason


From: Miranda Holliday
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 10:55 AM
To: Salgado, Jose; John Curiel
Cc: Meg (E-mail); Steph (E-mail)
Subject: RE: For no good reason

She’s crying tears of glitter!!!! 
From: Salgado, Jose
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 10:55 AM
To: John Curiel; Miranda Holliday
Cc: Meg (E-mail); Steph (E-mail)
Subject: RE: For no good reason

I found John's holiday wallpaper:

From: Miranda Holliday
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 10:55 AM
To: Salgado, Jose; John Curiel
Cc: Meg (E-mail); Steph (E-mail)
Subject: RE: For no good reason

Is the mrs. Claus in the background serenading you with some holiday carols

“uhhhh, I like it like that, she’s working that back and I don’t how to act! Slow motion for me….”
From: Miranda Holliday
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 10:55 AM
To: John Curiel; Salgado, Jose
Cc: Meg (E-mail); Steph (E-mail)
Subject: RE: For no good reason

I like that you know enough slutty ms. Claus female impersonators in order to have not one, but TWO, favorites!

It sounds like you met Sasha Fierce
From: John Curiel
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 10:58 AM
To: Miranda Holliday; Salgado, Jose
Cc: Meg (E-mail); Steph (E-mail)
Subject: RE: For no good reason

La Sasha Feroz actually 

quitting whoring... easy as pie?

From: Miranda Holliday
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 2:08 PM
To: John Curiel; Salgado, Jose; Meg (E-mail)
Subject: RE: Stop what you're doing, click on the link and then click speak to me

There’s a Christian cooking show! I don’t know, John. The bible belt is pretty fat, I’m sure “Breaking Bread” is going to have some kick ass recipes…that will offer salvation.

Do you think they have a recipe that will stop me from being a whoring tramp?

From: John Curiel

Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 2:12 PM
To: Miranda Holliday; Salgado, Jose; Meg (E-mail)
Subject: RE: Stop what you're doing, click on the link and then click speak to me

Honey, you stop being a whoring tramp by keeping things OUT of your mouth, not putting them in!

From: Miranda Holliday
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 2:18 PM
To: John Curiel; Salgado, Jose; Meg (E-mail)
Subject: RE: Stop what you're doing, click on the link and then click speak to me

I’ll never learn.

From: John Curiel
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 2:19 PM
To: Miranda Holliday; Salgado, Jose; Meg (E-mail)
Subject: RE: Stop what you're doing, click on the link and then click speak to me

It's okay baby . . . now go on and wash under your hood like Amy Sedaris showed you.....

Chelsea Lately with Amy Sedaris video

From: Miranda Holliday
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 2:23 PM
To: John Curiel; Salgado, Jose; Meg (E-mail)
Subject: RE: Stop what you're doing, click on the link and then click speak to me

I’m scrubbing away under my desk with a bottle of sparkletts, some hand sanitizer, and balled up post-its. That should do the trick!


From: John Curiel
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 2:25 PM
To: Miranda Holliday; Salgado, Jose; Meg (E-mail)
Subject: RE: Stop what you're doing, click on the link and then click speak to me

That's one of my favorite things about you, RESOURCEFUL!