NASA Nationals 2013
january 30th i hit 120# on my bench, but have had surgery since then and am not sure what to expect on that lift, so toying with the idea of competing only in squat, deadlift, and curl. last recorded maxes: squat 165# and dead 242# in oct, curl 55# in dec, and bench 120# in jan. squat is the lift i’m least confident in, and has the most room for improvement, so i’m starting on a 13 week squat cycle, that’s made up of four cycles, and ends with a week of taper, in hopes of peaking in competition. only things outside of the cycle i’ll be adding are arms twice a week and Z1 cardio. goals: survive the cycle! just kidding… i want to squat 185# in competition and, even if i don’t press at the meet, by june, i’d like to see my bench back to over 100#. i'll come up with a curl goal a couple weeks into training. colin will take my bodyfat some time this week and i'll have a body comp. goal, too. because one of the most important things to me right now, is the shreds. competing in 105# weight class, last time on scale, 107#
back squats
8 reps x3 sets 105#
5 reps 110#
2 reps x2 120#
1 rep 130#
+20 min z1 airdyne
back squats
8 x3 105#
5 x1 110#
2 x2 120#
1 x1 130#
+20 min z1 elliptical
notes: right hip really tight. yoga tonight, will focus on that. 120# and 130# felt light on my back.
back squats
5 x4 110#
3 120#
2 x2 130#
1 145#
+kettlebell snatch ladder (reps each arm)
10, 9, 8 20#
7, 6, 5 25#
4, 3, 2, 1 30#
i'm not going to start my "real" arm stuff until next week, so decided today to just mess around with kettlebells. didn't do it for time, was pretty fun. on the way back to work, thought i should've thrown some tricep extensions in there, but oh well. next time. pretty sore going into the squats, but they went GREAT! 145# felt like nothing off the rack, and such an easy squat.
a1: barbell lunges 8 x3 85#, 95#, 105#
a2: dumbbell tricep extensions 10 x3 20#, 25#, 25#
b: barbell skull crushers 7, 5, 3, 1 45#
+20 min z1 stationary bike
the lunges were the only thing programmed for today, still playing around with arms until next week. skull crushers felt good, sooooo excited to bench next week. it's been six weeks and i really miss it.
a1: barbell split squats 8/leg x3 60#, 65#, 70#
a2: single arm dumbbell tricep extensions 12/arm x3 10#
b: shoulder press 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 45#
+20 min z1 stationary bike
the split squats were the only thing programmed for today. the only other times i'd ever done these were with dumbbells and at tempo, which went horribly, so i went into this dreading it. well, barbell, a million times easier! i think my lunges yesterday were supposed to be sets of 8/leg. my bad!
a2: single arm dumbbell tricep extensions 12/arm x3 10#
b: shoulder press 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 45#
+20 min z1 stationary bike
the split squats were the only thing programmed for today. the only other times i'd ever done these were with dumbbells and at tempo, which went horribly, so i went into this dreading it. well, barbell, a million times easier! i think my lunges yesterday were supposed to be sets of 8/leg. my bad!
a1: barbell lunges 8/leg x3 75#, 85#, 95#
a2: dumbbell bent-over rows 12/arm x3 20#, 20#, 25#
b: barbell curls 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 40#
+20 min z1 elliptical
again, lunges only thing programmed. pretty ready for rest day tomorrow!
a2: dumbbell bent-over rows 12/arm x3 20#, 20#, 25#
b: barbell curls 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 40#
+20 min z1 elliptical
again, lunges only thing programmed. pretty ready for rest day tomorrow!
a1: kettlebell snatches 5/arm x3 26#
a2: back squats 2 x2 135#
b: deadlift speed work, 2 emom x10 120#
+20 min z1 airdyne
a2: back squats 2 x2 135#
b: deadlift speed work, 2 emom x10 120#
+20 min z1 airdyne
60 min z1 row
went my usual z1 pace of 3:00/500m, ended up with a tiny bit over 10k meters. for the heck of it, i checked the calories at the end, and it said 511. didn't realize z1 on the rower racked up that many cals.
went my usual z1 pace of 3:00/500m, ended up with a tiny bit over 10k meters. for the heck of it, i checked the calories at the end, and it said 511. didn't realize z1 on the rower racked up that many cals.
back squat 135# x3
-actually felt pretty heavy today. rushed my warm-up, that's probably why.
A1. Incline Bench Press @ 40X0; 10-12 reps x 4 sets; rest 90 sec
45# x11, x11, x10, x7 -first set felt good, but i could not squeak out a 12th rep. fell off hard for that last set.
A2. Weighted Pronated "Lean Away" Pull-ups @ 31X0; 2-3 reps x 4 sets; rest 90 sec
3 @bodyweight, all sets -did not feel good at all on my pecs. talked with colin, will sub 10-12 tempo ring rows for future days
B1. Push-ups @ 2020; amrap (-1) x 3 sets; rest 90 sec
9, 11, 11 -these actually felt damn good. first pushups in 6+ weeks!
B2. Standing Cable External Rotation @ 3010; 10-12 reps x 3 sets rest 90 sec
resistance 8 x12, r8.5 x12, r9 x 12
C. Single Arm DB Curls @ 31X0; 10-12 reps/side x 3 sets; rest 60 sec b/t arms
10# x12, 12.5 x12, 15 x12
very humbling to be back at the beginning for arms. 4-5 months ago i was killing this shit! will be again, soon
60 min z1 elliptical
back squat 135# x3
-actually felt pretty heavy today. rushed my warm-up, that's probably why.
A1. Incline Bench Press @ 40X0; 10-12 reps x 4 sets; rest 90 sec
45# x11, x11, x10, x7 -first set felt good, but i could not squeak out a 12th rep. fell off hard for that last set.
A2. Weighted Pronated "Lean Away" Pull-ups @ 31X0; 2-3 reps x 4 sets; rest 90 sec
3 @bodyweight, all sets -did not feel good at all on my pecs. talked with colin, will sub 10-12 tempo ring rows for future days
B1. Push-ups @ 2020; amrap (-1) x 3 sets; rest 90 sec
9, 11, 11 -these actually felt damn good. first pushups in 6+ weeks!
B2. Standing Cable External Rotation @ 3010; 10-12 reps x 3 sets rest 90 sec
resistance 8 x12, r8.5 x12, r9 x 12
C. Single Arm DB Curls @ 31X0; 10-12 reps/side x 3 sets; rest 60 sec b/t arms
10# x12, 12.5 x12, 15 x12
very humbling to be back at the beginning for arms. 4-5 months ago i was killing this shit! will be again, soon

60 min z1 elliptical
prev. cycle notes
i stand corrected! definitely not back at the beginning. dug up my old training log for my results on the original run of this arm cycle. the numbers i hit this a.m. are excellent, considering i'm coming back to this post-op. should've referrd to this before my workout, wouldn't have started at 45# for the incline bench. pretty sure i'll be competing in bench by june.
90 min z1
(15 min airdyne + 15 min row x3)
90 min z1
(15 min airdyne + 15 min row x3)
back squat 135# x5
A1. 1 1/4 Shoulder Press @ 31X1; 10-12 reps x 4 sets; rest 90 sec
38# x12, 40.5 x9, x7, x7 -trip OUT! that 12th rep wasn't even hard, but i fell off so bad for the following sets. talked with colin, he says it's my muscle endurance. i'm strong, but my ability to recover is not on point right now. so for now, throwing out the rule that if i hit the top of the rep range, always go up in weight. will feel it out, workout by workout.
A2. Weighted Supinated Pull-ups @ 31X1; 3-5 reps x 4 sets; rest 90 sec
@bodyweight x5, 2.5# x4, x3, x3
B1. SA DB Seesaw Press @ 30X1; 10-12 reps/arm x 3 sets; rest 90 sec
12.5# x12, 15# x12, x12
B2. Lying Powell Raise @ 3010; 10-12 reps/arm x 3 sets; rest 90 sec
5# x12, 7.5 x12, x10
C. Standing Tricep Extensions @ 3010; 10-12 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 min
15# x12, 20 x12, x10 -LOVE these!
60 min z1 row
back squat 135# x5
A1. 1 1/4 Shoulder Press @ 31X1; 10-12 reps x 4 sets; rest 90 sec
38# x12, 40.5 x9, x7, x7 -trip OUT! that 12th rep wasn't even hard, but i fell off so bad for the following sets. talked with colin, he says it's my muscle endurance. i'm strong, but my ability to recover is not on point right now. so for now, throwing out the rule that if i hit the top of the rep range, always go up in weight. will feel it out, workout by workout.
A2. Weighted Supinated Pull-ups @ 31X1; 3-5 reps x 4 sets; rest 90 sec
@bodyweight x5, 2.5# x4, x3, x3
B1. SA DB Seesaw Press @ 30X1; 10-12 reps/arm x 3 sets; rest 90 sec
12.5# x12, 15# x12, x12
B2. Lying Powell Raise @ 3010; 10-12 reps/arm x 3 sets; rest 90 sec
5# x12, 7.5 x12, x10
C. Standing Tricep Extensions @ 3010; 10-12 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 min
15# x12, 20 x12, x10 -LOVE these!
60 min z1 row
notes from prev. cycle
PICTURE - need to find
75 min z1 elliptical
75 min z1 elliptical
late a.m.
back squat
9 reps x4 sets 110#
in the past, nine wouldn't seem like "high rep" to me, but i was getting pretty winded by rep five. rest was 3-4 minutes-ish between sets. currently training squats with no equipment, and nine reps definitely made me miss my knee sleeves! you get that little bounce, makes it a million times easier. have been on an eating frenzy the past few days, reigning it in tomorrow.
back squat
9 reps x4 sets 110#
in the past, nine wouldn't seem like "high rep" to me, but i was getting pretty winded by rep five. rest was 3-4 minutes-ish between sets. currently training squats with no equipment, and nine reps definitely made me miss my knee sleeves! you get that little bounce, makes it a million times easier. have been on an eating frenzy the past few days, reigning it in tomorrow.
A1. Incline Bench Press @ 40X0; 8-10 reps x 5 sets; rest 90 sec
45# x10, 47.5 x10, x10, 50 x8, x9
A2. Ring rows (perfect reps, using back, not biceps) @ 2010; 10-12 reps x 5 sets; rest 90 sec
12 all sets
B1. Push-ups @ 2020; amrap (-1) x 4 sets; rest 90 sec
8, 10, 10, 9
B2. Standing Cable External Rotation @ 3010; 8-10 reps x 4 sets rest 90 sec
r9 x10, r9.5 x10, r10 x10, r10.5 x10
C. Single Arm DB Curls @ 31X0; 10-12 reps/side x 4 sets; rest 60 sec b/t arms
15# x12, x12
ran out of time to finish my curls, spent too much time bullshitting between sets. but i did demo some chest-to-bar pullups for a girl at the gym, and happy to report, i still got it! that was my first kipping pullup since surgery and it was all good.
A1. Incline Bench Press @ 40X0; 8-10 reps x 5 sets; rest 90 sec
45# x10, 47.5 x10, x10, 50 x8, x9
A2. Ring rows (perfect reps, using back, not biceps) @ 2010; 10-12 reps x 5 sets; rest 90 sec
12 all sets
B1. Push-ups @ 2020; amrap (-1) x 4 sets; rest 90 sec
8, 10, 10, 9
B2. Standing Cable External Rotation @ 3010; 8-10 reps x 4 sets rest 90 sec
r9 x10, r9.5 x10, r10 x10, r10.5 x10
C. Single Arm DB Curls @ 31X0; 10-12 reps/side x 4 sets; rest 60 sec b/t arms
15# x12, x12
ran out of time to finish my curls, spent too much time bullshitting between sets. but i did demo some chest-to-bar pullups for a girl at the gym, and happy to report, i still got it! that was my first kipping pullup since surgery and it was all good.
back squat
7 reps x5 sets 120#
felt pretty easy. i ate sooo many corn chips about an hour before doing these, so i felt bloated as shit and sturdy as hell.
back squat
7 reps x5 sets 120#
felt pretty easy. i ate sooo many corn chips about an hour before doing these, so i felt bloated as shit and sturdy as hell.
A1. 1 1/4 Shoulder Press @ 31X1; 8-10 reps x 5 sets; rest 90 sec
38# x10, x10, 40.5 x10, x10, 43 x9
A2. Weighted Supinated Pull-ups @ 31X1; 3-5 reps x 5 sets; rest 90 sec
bodyweight x4, x3, x3, x3, x3
B1. SA DB Seesaw Press @ 30X1; 8-10 reps/arm x 4 sets; rest 90 sec
15# x10, 20 x10, x10, x10
B2. Lying Powell Raise @ 3010; 8-10 reps/arm x 4 sets; rest 90 sec
7.5# x10, x10, 10# x8, x8
C. Standing Tricep Extensions @ 3010; 8-10 reps x 4 sets; rest 2 min
20# x10, 25 x10, x9, x7
press a lot better this week, but my sup. pullups were terrible. we think it's my back that's super weak right now, the ring rows will help with that. i felt like my triceps and shoulders were gonna explode outta my skin during this, got my pump ON, fo' sho'.
60 min z1 elliptical
A1. 1 1/4 Shoulder Press @ 31X1; 8-10 reps x 5 sets; rest 90 sec
38# x10, x10, 40.5 x10, x10, 43 x9
A2. Weighted Supinated Pull-ups @ 31X1; 3-5 reps x 5 sets; rest 90 sec
bodyweight x4, x3, x3, x3, x3
B1. SA DB Seesaw Press @ 30X1; 8-10 reps/arm x 4 sets; rest 90 sec
15# x10, 20 x10, x10, x10
B2. Lying Powell Raise @ 3010; 8-10 reps/arm x 4 sets; rest 90 sec
7.5# x10, x10, 10# x8, x8
C. Standing Tricep Extensions @ 3010; 8-10 reps x 4 sets; rest 2 min
20# x10, 25 x10, x9, x7
press a lot better this week, but my sup. pullups were terrible. we think it's my back that's super weak right now, the ring rows will help with that. i felt like my triceps and shoulders were gonna explode outta my skin during this, got my pump ON, fo' sho'.
60 min z1 elliptical
back squat
5 reps x7 sets 130#
felt like dog shit when i woke up, just all tired and unmotivated. during the one minute drive to the gym, i was already talking myself out of doing the squats, deciding to hit some z1 and squat at lunch. but after three minutes on the airdyne, i felt like a long z1 was going to suck more than squatting. as soon as i started warming up with the bar, i instantly felt better. definitely helped having the tv on, vitale was talking 'march madness' and that guy has so much energy, it got me going! fourth set is where it started to get tough.
i kept track of my warmup with the bar, because i always struggle with how many reps, at what weight, is the sweet spot to prepare me, but not tire me out. 45# x5, 65 x4, 85 x5, 100 x3, 110 x4, 120 x3... think this felt good. tomorrow is sets of three at 135#, will probably use same weight progression, but 85+ hit 2-3 reps only. of course, all depends on how i feel. plans could, and usually do, change!
back squat
5 reps x7 sets 130#
felt like dog shit when i woke up, just all tired and unmotivated. during the one minute drive to the gym, i was already talking myself out of doing the squats, deciding to hit some z1 and squat at lunch. but after three minutes on the airdyne, i felt like a long z1 was going to suck more than squatting. as soon as i started warming up with the bar, i instantly felt better. definitely helped having the tv on, vitale was talking 'march madness' and that guy has so much energy, it got me going! fourth set is where it started to get tough.
i kept track of my warmup with the bar, because i always struggle with how many reps, at what weight, is the sweet spot to prepare me, but not tire me out. 45# x5, 65 x4, 85 x5, 100 x3, 110 x4, 120 x3... think this felt good. tomorrow is sets of three at 135#, will probably use same weight progression, but 85+ hit 2-3 reps only. of course, all depends on how i feel. plans could, and usually do, change!
back squat
3 reps x10 sets 135#
not the best night's sleep, was worried i wouldn't have the confidence this a.m. to hit ten sets of 135#, but got it done! didn't feel "heavy" until set eight.
back squat
3 reps x10 sets 135#
not the best night's sleep, was worried i wouldn't have the confidence this a.m. to hit ten sets of 135#, but got it done! didn't feel "heavy" until set eight.
back squat
9 reps x4 sets 130#
i can't stop thinking about this, can't stop talking about it! this was the toughest thing i have ever done in the gym, damn proud of myself! when i took the bar off the rack for my third set, it felt fucking heavy, but i got it done. happy easter!
back squat
9 reps x4 sets 130#
i can't stop thinking about this, can't stop talking about it! this was the toughest thing i have ever done in the gym, damn proud of myself! when i took the bar off the rack for my third set, it felt fucking heavy, but i got it done. happy easter!

A1. Incline Bench Press @ 40X0; 6-8 reps x 5 sets; rest 90 sec
47.5# x8, 50 x8, 52.5 x8, 55 x8, 57.5 x6
A2. Ring Rows @ 2010; 12 reps x 5 sets; rest 90 sec
B1.Push-ups @ 2020; amrap (-1) x 4 sets; rest 90 sec
10, 9, 10, 10
B2. Standing Cable External Rotation @ 3010; 6-8 reps x 4 sets rest 90 sec
resistamce 10 x8, r10.5 x8, r11 x8, r11.5 x8
C. Single Arm DB Curls @ 31X0; 8-10 reps/side x 4 sets; rest 60 sec b/t arms
15# x10 all sets
45 min z1 row
A1. Incline Bench Press @ 40X0; 6-8 reps x 5 sets; rest 90 sec
47.5# x8, 50 x8, 52.5 x8, 55 x8, 57.5 x6
A2. Ring Rows @ 2010; 12 reps x 5 sets; rest 90 sec
B1.Push-ups @ 2020; amrap (-1) x 4 sets; rest 90 sec
10, 9, 10, 10
B2. Standing Cable External Rotation @ 3010; 6-8 reps x 4 sets rest 90 sec
resistamce 10 x8, r10.5 x8, r11 x8, r11.5 x8
C. Single Arm DB Curls @ 31X0; 8-10 reps/side x 4 sets; rest 60 sec b/t arms
15# x10 all sets
45 min z1 row
back squat
7 reps x5 sets 140#
spaced out on the warm-up, thought i'd be doing sets of five reps, so i didn't feel properly prepared hitting seven. collapsing bad, bad, bbbbad, bad, bad. butt comes up well before chest, increasingly so every rep. thurs supposed to go up 10#, only going to go up five.
back squat
7 reps x5 sets 140#
spaced out on the warm-up, thought i'd be doing sets of five reps, so i didn't feel properly prepared hitting seven. collapsing bad, bad, bbbbad, bad, bad. butt comes up well before chest, increasingly so every rep. thurs supposed to go up 10#, only going to go up five.
last set from this a.m.
showed colin video of my last set, chest collapse not as bad as i built it up to be in my head. last couple reps happening much worse.
A1. 1 1/4 Shoulder Press @ 31X1; 6-8 reps x 5 sets; rest 90 sec
40.5# x8, 43 x8, x8, 45.5 x8, 48 x7
A2. Weighted Supinated Pull-ups @ 31X1; 2-3 reps x 5 sets; rest 90 sec
bodyweight x3, 5# x3, 6.25 x3, 7.5 x3, 8.75 x3 -these went a million times better than last week... but then again, it was only 2-3 reps...
B1. SA DB Seesaw Press @ 30X1; 6-8 reps/arm x 4 sets; rest 90 sec
20# x8, x8, 25 x4, x4 -bit off more than i could chew with 25#, but i would've rather been dead than do 20# all sets!
B2. Lying Powell Raise @ 3010; 6-8 reps/arm x 4 sets; rest 90 sec
7.5# x8, 10 x8, x8, x7 -realized after the second set that i had the bench incline at 30degrees, did previous two weeks at 45 degrees, but i was like, fuck it.
C. Standing Tricep Extensions @ 3010; 6-8 reps x 4 sets; rest 2 min
25# x8, x8, 30 x5, x6 -i don't regret going to 30# when i did, even though i didn't hit six on that third set
60 min z1 elliptical
back squat
5 reps x7 sets 145#
thurs and fri this week and next are pretty heavy, so was thinking about using my belt. did first set no belt, second set belt (videos below), and after looking at the video, i was pretty confident doing it without the belt, maybe just be more concious of my position coming out of the squat. mmm... yeah, you do a set with a belt and then one without, you're like, "screw this!" wore belt last four sets. i don't see an alarming difference between the two videos, but there is a definite difference.
back squat
3 reps x10 sets 150#
warmup with the bar:
75 x4
95 x4
110 x4
120 x2
130 x3
140 x2
laaaate p.m.
30 min z1 run
signed up for the rave run 5k long before i decided on the squat cycle. so did it z1 and am going to cram arms and squats into sunday, so that monday can be a total rest day. saturday is usually rest, and it's important to me i have one day a week where i do nothing.

run felt good, right calf got a little tight. no real cramping and wasn't winded. def stayed in z1.
A1. 1 1/4 Shoulder Press @ 31X1; 6-8 reps x 5 sets; rest 90 sec
40.5# x8, 43 x8, x8, 45.5 x8, 48 x7
A2. Weighted Supinated Pull-ups @ 31X1; 2-3 reps x 5 sets; rest 90 sec
bodyweight x3, 5# x3, 6.25 x3, 7.5 x3, 8.75 x3 -these went a million times better than last week... but then again, it was only 2-3 reps...
B1. SA DB Seesaw Press @ 30X1; 6-8 reps/arm x 4 sets; rest 90 sec
20# x8, x8, 25 x4, x4 -bit off more than i could chew with 25#, but i would've rather been dead than do 20# all sets!
B2. Lying Powell Raise @ 3010; 6-8 reps/arm x 4 sets; rest 90 sec
7.5# x8, 10 x8, x8, x7 -realized after the second set that i had the bench incline at 30degrees, did previous two weeks at 45 degrees, but i was like, fuck it.
C. Standing Tricep Extensions @ 3010; 6-8 reps x 4 sets; rest 2 min
25# x8, x8, 30 x5, x6 -i don't regret going to 30# when i did, even though i didn't hit six on that third set
60 min z1 elliptical
back squat
5 reps x7 sets 145#
thurs and fri this week and next are pretty heavy, so was thinking about using my belt. did first set no belt, second set belt (videos below), and after looking at the video, i was pretty confident doing it without the belt, maybe just be more concious of my position coming out of the squat. mmm... yeah, you do a set with a belt and then one without, you're like, "screw this!" wore belt last four sets. i don't see an alarming difference between the two videos, but there is a definite difference.
back squat
3 reps x10 sets 150#
warmup with the bar:
75 x4
95 x4
110 x4
120 x2
130 x3
140 x2
laaaate p.m.
30 min z1 run
signed up for the rave run 5k long before i decided on the squat cycle. so did it z1 and am going to cram arms and squats into sunday, so that monday can be a total rest day. saturday is usually rest, and it's important to me i have one day a week where i do nothing.

run felt good, right calf got a little tight. no real cramping and wasn't winded. def stayed in z1.
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