From: Alejandro Benavides
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 10:06 AM
To: Miranda Holliday; meg holliday; jose -home; john -home
Subject: Cat's eye
this used to be frightening to my sister as a kid, but I found it hilarious!!!
Stephen King's Cat's Eye - General vs Troll video
Subject: RE: Cat's eye
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 10:22:58 -0800
From: miranda
To: alejandro.benavides;; jxoxsxe; johnmcuriel
This movie FREAKED me out when I was little, but in later years, yes it is MEGA hilarious.
And, there is a lot of kitty stuff in this movie, Jose. Seriously important viewing
From: meg holliday
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 10:27 AM
To: Miranda Holliday; alex b.; jose -home; john -home
Subject: RE: Cat's eye
mandy and i used to be soooo scared of this video cover that when we would go to the video store, my mom would have to walk in ahead of us and turn it around.

Subject: RE: Cat's eye
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 10:28:13 -0800
From: miranda
Then I went to my favorite video store when it was closing a few years ago and they were selling all their stock and one of them was “Ghoulies”! WHICH, I had never seen. So, I bought it and watched it and here are my notes
a. it’s not really scary
b. there’s a really funny 80’s party scene and one guy’s pick-up line is “my name is dick, but you can call me (stops to open a beer) Dick.”
c. There are two funny supernatural midgets in medieval costumes
d. The ghoulies never wear clothes and I was waiting for it the WHOLE movie
The end.
From: meg holliday
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 10:33 AM
To: Miranda Holliday; alex b.; jose -home; john -home
Subject: RE: Cat's eye
that's why it wasn't scary, 'cause they weren't wearing clothes! the horrifying part of that video cover is the suspenders.
Subject: RE: Cat's eye
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 10:36:37 -0800
From: miranda
Riiiight! When the ghoulies were first manifested via a satanic ritual, they show up naked or whatever you call ghoulie without clothes, so I thought it might get more interesting when they show how they get/make their little outfits. But, not one of the ghoulies ever thought about getting that little suspender get-up together.
There is a scary part with a clown doll. But, I could sit in a room with a clown doll and freak out. So, that isn’t a big surprise.
There’s a part in the funny party scene where a guy in a member’s only jacket “breakdances” and then knocks himself out when he tries to spin on the floor or do a back-flip or something.
And, there’s a Ghoulies Part III where they go to college. I think maybe they figured they would need an advanced degree in order to buy some specially made clothes.
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