Saturday, March 8, 2014

week 5, day 1

Week 5Day 1
Back Squat1x1095
5x5150-160150, 150, 155, 155, 155belt, sleeves
Front Squat3x5115-130115, 120, 120belt sets 2 and 3
Bench Press3x260
6x285-9085, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90speed work
Pin Press4x1125-145105 all sets
Single Arm DB Press3x535-4535 all setsStanding, 2 hand clean every rep

trained this session at 4:30a, which is always not the bomb.  since work is still crazy, if i leave my training to the p.m., i will always get it in, but i never know what condition i'll be in. i would hate to have a bad session just because work wiped me out.  so it was 4:30a, drag myself out of bed and training begins with a slow start...

back squat felt good.  actually, it felt GREAT!  i've been a good girl on the grind to keep up stretching my hips, and i had no trouble with my right flexor.

front squats... i used to hate those things... and i still do!  upper back felt tight 3-4 reps into every set, front rack position super uncomfortable on me.  barely three months off eight months of oly cycles and already my body forgets...

bench went the BEST EVER.  i benched in the squat cage since i had pin press coming up and that bench is a little lower.  between that and my newly improved hip mobility, i was arching my back with flat feet and just killing it.  felt awesome.

pin press... what the fuck was i doing?!  so hard.  nay, impossible!  emailed coach, and realizing now, i had the safeties too low.

sa db press... 35# was not even an issue for my right side, but left had significantly more trouble.  once upon a time, my left was BY FAR my stronger side.  colin worked with me to even me out, and now, over a year later... shit's gone flip flopped.

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