Saturday, May 3, 2014

new moves!

To: teeny-wahine
Subject: Re: weight...
From: urbankstrengthteam
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 14:29:59 -0400

I've added few bouts of strongman style conditioning to your training. Let me know if everything will work out for you (i.e . equipment and facilities being available) or if you need any instruction on the events and please video all events, there are a lot of strongman tips that can make these movements more effective and efficient

We're going to hit your metabolism fast and hard, and get you to burn while maintaining and building muscle. Don't be discouraged if your weight doesn't drop instantly, the body can sometimes have a well set homeostasis, especially if you've been around the same weight for a long time. In some occasions it can take 2-3 weeks to see physical results from dietary changes.

From: meg holliday
To: urbankstrengthteam
Sent: Mon, Apr 28, 2014 2:09 pm
Subject: RE: weight... 
1. prowler, yes
2. sled, no
3. sandbags (or an object you can carry that weighs between 50-125lbs), yes, with 20# inserts, max 80#
4. astroturf or cleared carpeted area at least 50ft long, no, gym floor only, horse stall mat flooring
5. a very flat parking lot or street at least 150 feet long, yes
6. a large tire least 200#, yes
7. kettle bells 15kg+, yes, weights through 2pood 

-----Original Message-----
To: teeny-wahine
Subject: Re: weight...
From: urbankstrengthteam
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 14:01:47 -0400 

We'll add a few bouts of HIIT into your training. Do you have any of the following equipment available to you:
1. prowler,

2. sled,

3. sandbags (or an object you can carry that weighs between 50-125lbs),

4. astroturf or cleared carpeted area at least 50ft long,

5. a very flat parking lot or street at least 150 feet long,

6. a large tire least 200#,

7. kettle bells 15kg+

Week 13
Bench Press4x6100-110pausedPress against bands4x2bar-85paused
Back Squat1x10barDeadlift1x3135
Press against bands4x2bar-85paused1x Max reps200
Car pushes4x200ftSandbag carry4x200ft
Week 14
Bench Press4x3105-115Deadlift5x5195-215
Reverse Band Press4x2120-145Sumo Deadlift5x1095-135
Back Squats3x395One arm DB Strict Press3x525-35
2x3115Medley x 4 (90 second max time limt each round)Barbell Clean and Press95#x2
2x31353 minute rest between each setOne Arm DB Push Press Clean once/arm35#x2 each arm
1x3155KB Thrusters22kg x15
6x2170-180KB Snatch10kg+ x5 ea
1x Max reps155
BentOver Rows3x12
Sprints6x100mlight dynamic stretch and warm up first
Week 15
Bench Press3x1125-130Floor press4x295-105
Reverse Band Bench4x1135-165Deadlift5x3215-235
Back Squat2x3115Stiff legged deadlift5x5135-165
2x2135Medley x4 no time limit3 minute rest between each set
3x2180-190prowler push150# 100ft
Tire flip5x5Sandbag carry80# max distance
Car pushes4x200ft
Week 16
Bench Press6x2100-105pausedPress Against Bands4x2bar-95
Pin Press4x2115-135Deadlift3x2245-265
Back Squat1x890Sumo Deadlift3x10135
Week 17
Bench Press3x1120-125paused
Reverse Band Bench3x1145-175
Back Squat1x890
Squat against bands3x5bar-95

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