Saturday, May 31, 2014

the shreds

from my january post:
i took her [my coach] on for diet about a month before training, so i could get a handle on that... not too much new at once.  i took some pics the first morning of the eating protocol, but i won't show those until i have new pics of the super shredded, total babe i become.  here's this nugget... 01.03.14 diet day 1: 
bodyweight 115.2#

body fat by caliper measure:
cheek -6.5
chin -3.8
tricep -10.3
subscap -11.3
midaxilla -7.8
suprailiac -13.3
umbilical -17.6
calf -10.6

thigh -13.4
hamstring -18


and today:

to be fair to the program and my coach, the changes didn't take this full four months.  feb-march i was under a tremendous amount of pressure at work and dealing with some other life stresses, so my diet went off the motherfuckin' rails HARD for about four weeks.  these numbers and pics are a week out from my meet, before the water flush begins.

bodyweight 109#

body fat by caliper measure:
cheek -6.6
chin -3.8
tricep -10.2
subscap -9.6
midaxilla -6.3
suprailiac -10
umbilical -11.1
calf -9.8

thigh -13.3
hamstring -17.4

top row of pics are january, bottom is may.  these pics are unflexed, and for me, the biggest shocker is my ass!  it's noticeably lifted!!!!

and these pics are flexed... the money shots!  (my nipples do what they want!)

the great lean-out isn't over for me.  end of 2012 i worked my ass off to cut fat, and was my leanest january 2013.  february 2, 2013 i had the breast augmentation and then during the three weeks where i couldn't do shit, my diet was a little less than clean.  then i dove head first into the full smolov squat cycle, and didn't supplement with really anything else.  when i was 105# for the nasa meet last year, my body was much different.  i'm pretty happy here.  i like being lean... the shreds suit me!

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