Sunday, May 11, 2014

week 14, day 2

Deadlift2x5185-205185, 205video
Sumo Deadlift3x8135set 2, 3 video
One arm DB Strict Press3x525-3525, 30, 35
Medley x 4 (90 second max time limt each round)3:00 rest between each set
Barbell Clean and Press95#x21. ended @12 kbtvideo
One Arm DB Push Press Clean once/arm35#x2 each arm2. start @13 kbt, ended @clean +press video
KB Thrusters22kg x15started 16kg, went down to 12kg3. start @db pp, ended @13 kbtvideo
KB Snatch10kg+ x5 eaused 12kg4. start @14kbt, ended @db ppvideo
Prowler pushheavy4x50ft100# prowler + 135# load:12, :11, :12, :12

i did a faux deadlift setup and asked colin when my head was neutral... and neutral blew my fucking mind!  i was so far from neutral.  is this the part where i admit that the a.m. after deadlift sessions, i sometimes wakeup with an extremely tight neck, and last week, even a tension headache...???  it's hard to go from turkey necking to neutral.  my first lift left a little to be desired, and it got a little worse with each rep, but i will continue to work on it.

the medleys were... interesting.  i'm a low skill girl, i have love for the oly lifts, but not under any kind of time crunch (and i tried to save my legs and do power cleans, catching anything higher than a squat is super awkward for me), kb snatch, i don't think i hit a high elbow once, and kb thrusters were heavy, so i went lower than written... and then went even lower.  i'm proud of myself for not quitting in the middle of it.  classic meg just picking up workouts outta thin air would've said 'fuck this' and stopped.  coach = accountability

in the video, i love colin's wtf face during my kb work.  he's a good guy.  i'm a super bitch when he gives me unsolicited coaching, so he just sits there silently. :)

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